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Happy parents, happy children

I want to climb the walls when people make statements like "We are only staying together for the children's sake". WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!?! Unless you are Academy Award Winning Actors there is no way you can fake a happy healthy marriage let alone an undivided parental unit.

Your child depends on you to show them what to expect out of life... if your daughter sees you abused (verbal or physical) and broken, but unwilling to change the circumstances of this abusive relationship, what is the message you are sending her? My logic tells me you are showing her your self-worth and she will be measuring her self-worth in the same way, she will likely be attracted to abusive men when she is old enough to date as all little girls measure there future husbands against their fathers.

On the other hand if you are indifferent to your husband and couldn't care two ticks about him or his interests you are teaching her that in marriage you do not need to work at it, that the most she should expect from her future husband is that he helps to pay the bills and contributes no further.

I could likely go on and on in this manner (and will likely in future posts) but my reason for sitting here today is more feel-good . We believe strongly that a family should laugh together as often as possible, this also rings true for a couple, our key to success is simple, WE LAUGH.

So my husband and I were having a conversation yesterday on Skype. He was busy with ... well, I'm still not 100% sure with what but I could tell he was frustrated so I made a joke of it and he just took his imagination off its leash and went bananas: (some translation needed to be done as English is not our first language)

Hubby: SSD drives need to be woped Me: ah so fairies need to be uploaded to stop them from turning into goblins

Hubby: Yes that type of crap, and then I need to ride my dragon and slay unicorns (they are truly evil) Me: evil pink fluffy demons Hubby: yeah they lure you closer with there cuteness and rainbows and sparkle, then once you are up close they lower their head allowing you to reach out and rub their head and main, that is the dam trap, then BAMMM they stab u with their horn and eat your guts Me: whahahahahahaha Me: I'm speachless Hubby: hehehe why Me: gut eating unicorns Hubby: have you ever heard of a survivor of a unicorn attack? Me: true true Hubby: you see they are EVIL. it is my job as dragon riding knight to slay the evil cute creatures, and don't even get me started on fairies, at least with a troll you know you are going to get eaten, he is big ugly stinky and is probably picking his teeth with bones, so yeah you know Me: whats wrong with fairies?????? Hubby: they have mind control magic, making you their slave, and having bloody battle pits under their kingdoms that force people to fight to the death while they hear the high pitch cheers. And the dark fairies, o boy! they burrow into your skull and use your body as a type of suit walking around with you and make you do stuff, Me: mmmmm I've heard they ride around on our overlords the great and mighty cats Hubby: cats are merely useless animals, they are no more an overlord than a a piece of cardboard makes a man, no the ones you believe to be your overlords have already been taken over by the dark elves Mes: elves, fairies, all things good and wholesome corrupted in your evil mind Hubby: no that is them working, they want to make you believe they are good Hubby: I see the truth, the pixies showed me the truth Me: so pixies are good?? Hubby: nah they evil little buggers, but we cool Me: hehehehe I love you! Hubby: love you, even though u are being controlled Me: damn damn damn he knows wes be elves.... abort abort abort Hubby: the pixie lords are onto you little buggers

This is one of many extremely bonkers conversations I have had with hubby, and a definite cornerstone in our relationship. And most importantly our son sees us, notes how we interact with each other and will hopefully never settle for less than a happy, loving and laughter-filled relationship... but then again, that might be just my point of view.

The opinionated me
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