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The things a father teaches his son

A mother can teach her son many many important things but some things need to be taught by a father so here are some of the things my son will learn from his dad:

The joy of a sneaky burp or a smelly fart competition, the difference between play-fighting and actual fighting and how to change a tire.

Taking a leak behind a tree or in a bush, how to treat a lady like a lady and putting a blade to chin for that first shave.

Keeping cool when things get tens, the difference between pride and ego and showing respect without compromising on your values.

When its OK to fight back, standing up for the ones you love and knowing when to walk away from a bad situation.

How to show emotions! (cowboys might not cry but real men do!)

There are so many things my son is learning form his dad on a daily bases just like he is learning to be kind and caring etc. from me. I find it scary how often we exclude dads from parenting rolls or how often dads believe that what they have to offer is of less value than a mother. Just being a loving and present partner and father you can make an impact for generations to come... because your son will in-turn teach his son the same values and examples he learnt from you as his dad.

I believe the same is true of a mother-son, father-daughter and daughter-mother relationship... We are the mold they are being cast in, be rock steady in your task so that they form solidly!

There are many different family set ups, mom+dad, mom only, dad only, mom+mom and dad+dad. I can speak only to what I know (mom only and mom+dad) so please put your pitchforks down! A child can successfully grow up with any family dynamic as long as love and guidance is present so in no way am I saying that one dynamic is better than the other, this is simply my view on what a father teaches his son (again a father in my opinion is the person raising his child be that by a child by blood or marriage) ... this is just my point of view

The opinionated me
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