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Picking up a good book

I love reading, not like... LOVE!

We are also extremely happy that our son also loves reading, I remember a cold winters morning a couple of years back. Cricket season for the schools and he had to partake in something. This particular morning he was not even remotely interested in doing field work, so he sat cross legged on the side of the field waiting for his turn nose in a book.

One mother walked by, slowed down peeked over his shoulder and walked away... the second mother walking past did more or less the same thing, but instead of walking on she pulled her kid closer and accusingly said "Look, Look at that! Not a single picture!"

Now personally I have no problem with books with pictures in them, (comics are awesome!) my feeling is reading is reading, if the book is an action adventure, romantic comedy, historic fiction, science fiction, factual or manga/comic books as long as your child is reading your doing something right.

I get that not all children like reading, but I also feel that there is a book out there for every mindset and the key is not giving up until you found that one book you can not put down. My son was visiting his granny one weekend, when we went to pic him up my mom had to fess up, she fell asleep and when she got up at 3 in the morning to do natures rounds she found him still awake reading comic book after comic book, he had discovered my late uncles box filled to the brim with old classics, like Jughead and Casper the Friendly Ghost and so on.

I pretended anger but felt pride, my hope is that every child gets to experience the thrill of getting lost in another world with new people... books are like the TARDIS, so much bigger on the inside! Or maybe that's just my point of view!

The opinionated me
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