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Would you allow it...

Today I was witness to an interaction that set my teeth on edge...

Mother to teen: "Speak softer (No name) is on the phone!"

Teen: "oh... I'm sorry." starts walking away

Mother - at the top of her lungs to teen 4m away in an open-plan office: "Stop being sorry and just do it!"

I sat here thinking are you kidding me!? So a couple of minutes later I pretend to be reading something and say "This is so true, The way you talk to your child becomes their inner voice". She looks over and with fake wisdom states "You know that IS SOOOO true"

It took a while for my seed to take root but she suddenly looks at me and says "Its hard because he's angry at me, what should I do?" Thank you thank you thank you... here is my opinion

Would you allow it? Would you allow your partner, friend or random guy on the street to talk to you in the manner that you talk to your child? If the answer is NO, then why the hell would you want your child to submit to being spoken to in such a manner.

I'm currently training the mother in question so used the following example:

If you came to me with a query that I know I have answered in the past would you expect me to repeat myself and guide you in the correct manner or should I tell you to "Stop being sorry and just do it!"

She looked at me in horror.

Children need guidance, a leader and an example to follow. That's YOU. They do not need a dictator, oppressor and overlord. But maybe that's just my point of view...

The opinionated me
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